Episode 14: The List

Posted: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 by Jannah in Labels:

N0 1: Get a hot chick for the altar of sacrifice.


No 2: Obtain the highest order of existence from the high priestess of ULAM.

On the way.


So Lang found himself in bed with Suki. Mission accomplished. Now all he had to do was convinced the obviously smitten Suki to follow him to a romantic getaway on a magical island filled with amazing adventures waiting to be discovered.

That was easy. All he had to say was, "Baby, I own a mansion on that island, the biggest one so far, built on top of a scenic hill overlooking the ocean. We'll take my private plane and the trip is less than a few snuggles away."

Suki, teary eyed (finally all these years of starving myself to death to attract wealthy gazzilionaires paid off) leaped into Lang' s waiting arms and smooches him into a close coma.

Lang: Whoa there princess. All in good times.

Suki: Of course my love. I'm yours like that Mraz song no?

Lang: You bet!


Duncan, Sara and Marz (no, not Jason Mraz, Mars Bar, MarZ) rushed out to the airport. They already confirmed Suki's whereabouts by calling her mother aka talent modelling agent who happens to be at the bar where Lang picked Suki up, (Lang almost took the mother home by mistake, at 40, she had Suki when she was barely 16 years old, Suki's mom was still a knock out classic beauty).

Suki's Mom: Duncan? I remember you! You broke Suki's heart a year ago. Suki still talks about you once in a while. How you've been?

Duncan: Baaaa (feeling sheepish, he did broke Suki's heart, and sending her for a job in New York was beyond cold) Mommy, I need to talk to Suki. Is she with you?

Duncan always call all his exes mothers Mommy. He thinks its cute. The mothers feel flattered.

Suki's Mom: But darling, I thought you knew. Lang used your name when he came up to us last night. I was out partying with the girls, we just had a show you see, Suki needed her tequila shots, and this amazing hunk came up to us and said your name. He took Suki's home.

Duncan: So Suki's still in New York? Whose home Mommy? Suki's apartment? Le Hotel?

Suki's Mom: Well. Suki left me a message on my cell this morning. Apparently she has eloped!

Duncan: The f!@#$%?

Suki's Mom: Now young man, there's no need to use such language with me. Suki said Lang is bringing her to a mystical island called...for the life of me I can't remember the name. Starts with a "U" I think.

Duncan: Ulam???